Version of NameBook available in the cloud. Does not require any software installation. Accessible by users or directly by their computer systems via telematics (webservices or API).
Version of NameBook available in the cloud. Does not require any software installation. Accessible by users or directly by their computer systems via telematics (webservices or API).
NameBook version designed especially for large companies or financial entities that are interested in having the NameBook server in their facilities.
NameBook Enterprise, in addition to the features of the online version, includes advanced features and integration with the computer systems of your organization.
NameBook Profiling is the NameBook Enterprise module for financial entities that wish to analyze the behavior of their clients to detect suspicious operations of money laundering. This module establishes an individual risk profile for each client.
NameBook Profiling calculates a customer’s risk profile based on a system of parametrizable alerts integrated with your entity’s systems, locates suspicious transactions such as transfers that exceed a certain amount or that together add up to that amount, large deposits or withdrawals of money in cash, children’s accounts with important movements, etc.
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